Does Krell still convert KSA 250 into MDA monoblocks

I have a KSA 250, and would like to purchase another one if Krell, or someone is still able to convert them to monoblocks... any help would be appreciated.  Maybe a private shop would do it if Krell doesn't anymore...


If they just bridge each channel of a KSA250 to make an MDA monoblock, then your better of just staying with the KSA250, as bridged amps don't have the same bass control, as their damping factor is reduced as well as other things.

You could get another KSA250 and then bi-amp, that would be a better way to go in my opinion if your speaker allow it, I think the Aerial 10T do.

Cheers George    

I'd suggest you call Krell and ask, as well as whether they bridge the amp to create the monoblock or do it another way.  Given my recollection of the KSA 150 vs. the MDA 300s and the KSA 80 vs the KMA 160s, I would think that the amps are not bridged, as the bass control of the monoblocks was superb (of course, so were the stereo versions as well).
I would be interested in bi amping and yes the 10ts are biampable.

In your opinion, how much or what is the advantage?

I would have to factor in another set of speaker cables in the cost, maybe it would be better to sell my ksa 250 and put all the money into a 10k amp?