oregon papa:
What outlets of outlet are you presently using? My three systems -two loudspeaker systems and one dedicated headphone system all have 5 outlets on each circuit. No way to have dedicated lines. Today each system is multiple Synergistic Research Teslaplex outlets with one or two Furutech GTX-R on the same circuit.
With the black outlets I will put one on a headphone circuit and one on the system with the Terasonic single driver. I will leave the horn system alone to be the "control".
All the outlets are mounted to the Oyaide aluminum frame with carbon faceplates.
I am a real turtle when it comes to evaluating system changes. So no every 30 minute updates, but I do try to be thorough, and objective. And I do not hesitate to send products back that do not make a significant improvement.
The most important themes from this thread to me are:
Do not be scared to try products.
Send products back that are not worth it.
The same product may not help my system but might be perfect for your system.
Get over being scared to open an audio device even if just to look inside.
After a new device is added to a system and settled in, do not forget to consider fine tuning speaker toe in orthe location of footers under components.
The human listens with his brain not his ears. The ears are only acoustic transducers. Therefore a large emotional impact of an audio system change might measure very small or large .
Satisfying listening to all.
David Pritchard