Listening to Phono Preamp Burn in Disc?

I have read a lot of posts regarding using a CD burn in disc (e.g. Granite Audio's) to burn in phono preamps. I get that, but I'm puzzled when people who do this complain about having to listening to the disc, as the sounds are not pleasant and repeat ad nauseam. My question is, why listen? Can't one just leave the amplifier off (assuming non-integrated amp), and still achieve the same burn in results? Also, if the amp needs to be on, couldn't a suitable resistor be used to substitute for speakers?


Ag insider logo xs@2xduddley
If you leave the armp on, it will demag the amp, speakers, and cables as well. If you get the Ayre break-in disc, its only a couple of minutes long, is interesting to listen to, and works well. I also have the Purist disc that is torture to listen to...and is over an hour long.  There is a segment on (I believe) the Cardas test record that serves the purpose for the phono section.  It too is a sweep that is short to listen to
The alternative solution is to purchase Claudio Arrau -- Beethoven Complete Piano Sonatas 13lp box set.
After completing listening to it, your phono stage will burn in. No need to listen to torturing sounds.
Post removed 
hey i'll try not to use any of religious terms and will try to preach a funny story very and very similar to phono burn-in disk in place of one of my response removed above

once one very poor dood livin' in very poor neighborhood in the very small dwelling with large number of children and with wife about to deliver one more child in depression and tears was thinking how he can feed his family decided to go to pope or priest or any type of whoever it is to ask to share wisdom. 

priest listened to his story and and told him to bring goat to his family. 
"My place is extremely small to fit even one more child and you're advising me to bring goat???" 
"Just bring goat and come back to me in 4 months" replied priest. 
so poor dood brought goat to his family and the number of problems started to increase gradually such as chewing bed sheets drying on the sun, same with children toys accidentally left unattended, dumping in unwanted areas -- all on top of the burden of taking care of small children and other family needs!

4 months past in heavy suffering and misery being with goat in large family and small housing and dood returns back to priest even more depressed and exhausted and priest told him "Now you can get rid of goat". 

after the dood got rid of goat, the life turned out to be so easy and light, but nothing actually changed.

now just listen to this disk for an hour at moderate volume levels and than switch to normal music and I assure you that EVERYTHING you play will sound SO DMN GOOD!

My next post will be about same...