Shangling CD-T100 CD Player in need of repair

I have a Shangling CD-T100 that can use some service. It has at random a ticking sound something like a scratch on a record and sometimes it seems like a fraction of a word is cut off, something like skip. I am talking like only one letter of a word. This does not happen often but when it does it takes away from my enjoyment of the music. I live in the San Fernando Valley in California and looking for someone to check this out so I do not have to send it across the country. If I have to ship it I will but hate to have this bounced around.


Sound to me like the laser is getting weak and can’t error correct as good as it used to.

Do you have the early one (best) with the 4 square transformers? (great r2r multibit unit)

Laser/mech CDM-12.10

Or the later one with the three rounded transformers, not as good.

Laser/Mech VAM-1201

Have you tried to clean the laser? If clean, they are getting quite old now and may need to be replaced.

Cheers George

Thank You for your information, Yes I have the early player with the 4 transformers. I bought it new and did not use it much, I doubt if it has 200 hours on it. Would the week laser also account for the random ticking sound or just the skipping or both. If I replaced it, it looks like I will need the CDM-12.10, is that correct. I have to get the manual out but if I remember correctly I believe the player has the Philips drive. I would like the OEM part unless you you think another brand would be better. And yes I did clean the Laser.

Great player very sought after, even Thorsten Losech of AMR fame told me he wished he keep his one, they’re that good. Connect it direct into a poweramp using the digital domain volume control that’s in it, and forget about a preamp.

Random ticks can be the laser not error correcting small scratches/warps, also rapid fire ticks, and if bad sometimes the music refuses to progress at all it just gets stuck. 200hrs sounds a short time yes, but also just being left switched on certain cdp’s can use up laser life. Lasers them selves also have a very small rubber suspension system that ages/decays and can sag over time even without use.

Yes the laser/mech is a Philips CDM12.10 if your handy they aren’t that hard to change the whole laser/mech. Just laser is harder. And they’re cheap enough to do if you do it yourself.

There may be a protective antistatic ribbon cable solder bubble you have to unbridge, but I think not, as the end of the ribbon cable looks like it has metal clamp for a protective short, that has to be removed before pushing it into the main board.

Cheers George