interconnect choice

I have the option of buying 15ft harmonic technology truth link silver or mit mi330 plus interconnects. this will go between my modwright ls100 and kwa100se. is any one of these a clear winner or markedly different? thanks.
Thanks. I went to his site and the only thing he promotes is his speaker cable. Guess I would have to call him.
I was a firm believer that cables do not make a difference, until recently I discovered otherwise and it just blows my mind.  I have upgraded to tube amp, Focal speakers, Mcintosh DAC/preamp so tried new cables.

Having said that I'd still not pay few hundred or $1k for cables, dinising returns principle.

Was using AQ King Cobra, tried those, AQ Mcenzie, Better cables, and some other in the $300 or so range.  The WireWorld Equinox 7, $200 for 1m pair sounded by far the best in my system.  Very audible differences in almost A/B comparison (swapped cables in less than 1 minute, played same tracks again.)

I will try the Eclipse 7 at $400 as I am told it is a significant step, but that would be as far as I go.

Good luck.