shill is some involved in a swindle. no swindle here. just enthusiasm.
I see reactions from folks even though no one was mentioned in my post
IF You actually read into what I said as something aimed at you,
May I suggest that it may helpful for you to ask yourself why you thought that.
As for using my name in a post full of lies, I report abuse.
There are folks that go from thread to thread calling people shills and other names for the fun of it. You know what they are called.
ME, I'm listening to beautiful music as I type. Thanks to all of those who love music! Cheers D
I see reactions from folks even though no one was mentioned in my post
IF You actually read into what I said as something aimed at you,
May I suggest that it may helpful for you to ask yourself why you thought that.
As for using my name in a post full of lies, I report abuse.
There are folks that go from thread to thread calling people shills and other names for the fun of it. You know what they are called.
ME, I'm listening to beautiful music as I type. Thanks to all of those who love music! Cheers D