Ground hog day come late in 2016 ...
those familiar with that thread know what I am talking about.
But with some changes this time around - more direct experiences.
I sometimes wonder why people are on these forums. Do you guys ever think about it ? For me it makes my morning coffee time more interesting and takes my mind off of bad investments. Did you know the chunks of brass from the billets, that I bought for my pillars years ago have gone up in value......... a lot. Who knew.....
Now I can understand for folks like Atma Sphere who are in the audio business, that the forums represent a way of promoting their products when they state their opinions. And since the OP Pani has already made his decision......I figured lets have some fun. You guys know I like visuals. Visuals are international regardless of the language spoken.
So up first.
Here you have not the amps and preamps, but the Belt drive Atma-Sphere turntable and Tri-Planar tonearm, that Atma-Sphere (Ralph) speaks about in this thread.
I was not aware of this product offering btw. I don't get around much these days.
Another interesting find. Reed used to make an armpod.
I believe Nandric (Nikola) had the first one ever made by Vidmantas. I was looking for the resonance research data that was prominently displayed on his website, which showed a visual of the different resonances and their paths (integrated versus isolated parts). The info had a lot of cool lines and colors differentiating the two, with information clearly supporting the armpod. Visual theory at its finest.
Well guess what. The research data is gone, as is the armpod, as a product offering from Reed from what I can tell.
And now Reed sells a full integrated turntable.
So a business move ....or something else ?
Hmmm......the search for Reed armpod also revealed an expired audiogon ad for someone selling his Reed armpod ................ :^)
Halcro (Henry)
You keep focusing on the pods themselves....
I am not reading into Atmaspheres' comments as you are. or maybe I am reading into his comments wrong, in which case let him correct me. After all Canadians speak a different language from those in the USA, eh ? Misunderstandings can happen.
What I am understanding is based on his direct experiences with metallic bearing turntables and tonearms - in this case an original but modded Empire turntable, and Triplanar tonearm; he has concluded there is bearing movement (outside of normal movement) in both of them - this being the bearing structure itself of the platter system and tonearm. And therefore to put them to stand independently is a bad thing. So in this regard showing a picture of the pillar/armpod is not necessary as it is what is on the pillar/armpod itself - the tonearm and its bearing structure - that is the problem. AtmaSphere (Ralph) if I am wrong about this please correct me and good luck on your lathe project.
A gimbal design uses separate closed-cage bearings to allow lateral and vertical movement
while unipivots sit the tonearm on the point of a needle, allowing free movement in all directions
Maybe a discussion of the movements and therefore resonances of these types of bearing types would shed more light, as it relates to the pillar / armpod. What do you guys think ?
fwiw - I don' t use metal bearings in my main turntable and tonearm. If anyone here reading has direct extended experience in their own rooms with magnetic platter bearings, and captured air bearing tonearms; I would be happy to share info. with you here or elsewhere.