Bryston SP1.7 Bypass or Digital In ????

I am looking to purchase the Bryston SP 1.7 pre-processor and was wondering a few thing about the 2 channel bypass-vs-using the digital in. As of now I am using the BP20 Pre. I guess my question would be how well does the processor work as a DAC when I send a digital signal into as apposed to an analog one. As of now I am using a Krell Studio as a DAC. It should be a upgrade to that but I plain to replace my current transport with either the new Krell showcase DVD to rid myself of having both a transport and a DVD player, or if that does not work maybe the 280CD. Is the DAC in the SP 1.7 going to be better then using the analog outs of those players.

How good is the DAC ???, will I be happy using it or should I look to a player or DAC and use the bypass ??? How much of a issue is it that the analog is RCA in only and no XLR ???

Thanks in advance,

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Faziod, this was knew to me. I had been using the Bryston for a while and didnt even know it. Until you corrected me on this. Being the consummate skeptical, I emailed Bryston, I had a response in the typical couple of hours, on a Saturday!!! Unbelievable customer service response time, anywho. When selecting Sub output when bypassed, it is a full range signal, so you need a sub with a built Xover. Which obviously most subs do. Nonetheless I like the way Bryston was committed to the "Analog" part of the Bypass. This unit and company continue to impress me. Thanks again Faziod for the tip.

I am pretty sure the PCM D/A conversion is handled by the Motorola 56367 chip in this unit. It is SOTA for Multi-channel decoding but I think other dedicated DACs may be better at PCM. No problem though, just run Analog ICs and a digital input both. You can setup the input to "default" to the digital input(inboard DAC), Analog with DSP(outboard DAC), or bypassed(outboard DAC), then switch to whichever one you want, whenever you want at the press of a button.
Distortion Agreed 100% on Brystons customer service. I e-mailed them early on a Sunday morning and by 8:30 am I had a responce back from James Tanner. Now that is CS support.
He also sent me some hidden codes on the SP1.7s remote if your interested let me know.
Faziod, you bet I am. You can send them to my email via A'gons auto mailer. Thanks so much. James Tanner obviously stays very near a computer.
I have been using both an Sp1 and 1.7 for quite some time now with excellent results on both the passthrough and digital in. In my experience it really depends on the quality of the dac in the player. The Sp1 is used entirely in two channel mode with a Theta Miles and for the most part I prefer the Theta's DAC over the Bryston. I say "for the most part" because some recordings sound better using the Bryston's dac which seems to be a little more forgiving - which may mean a little more veiled than the Theta. At any rate you can hook both up and switch back and forth.
With the 1.7 I have a Denon 2900 hooked up and MUCH prefer the Bryston's DAC to the Denon's in two channel. I have noticed that the quality of the transport makes a much bigger difference than you might imagine. With a cheap DVD player playing as a transport through the Bryston it doesn't sound very good - particularly at the frequency extrems.
Again, just experiment and let YOUR ears be the judge.
Distortion, could you please elaborate on "Analog with DSP (outboard DAC)" part of your post. I understand "Bypassed (outboard DAC)" part.
I'm using SP-1.7 in digital mode currently, since I have TacT before Bryston and did't want to introduce extra D/A conversion (Bryston's DAC sounds better to my ears than TacT's DAC).
While we at it: Is SP-1.7 multichannel path a "true" 6- channel analog preamp?, I mean for SACD/DVD-Audio playback.