Tidal streaming needle-drops?

I'm sitting here listening to the album "Inland Territory" by Vienna Teng, streaming thru the Tidal app.  Note that I do not say CD.  The first track starts out with a rhythmic "tic" which I at first thing is maybe some digital noise introduced by the my PC.  Then it gradually transmutes  into a rhythmic "swish" and then decreases in amplitude and then fades away and I realize that I am hearing a defect in an LP!  Anyone else notice that on music available through Tidal?
I was listening to an mp3 streamed to my M00s listening in near field.  So it was definitely in my face.  I'll try to get a flac copy and listen on my main rig.
Excellent video, good story and quite believable 😀

The similar effect I've recently found myself becoming very conscious of is the noise of a piano action (the soft clacking of the felts playing along with the music) for some reason I notice it a lot on Angela Hewitt's recordings - she plays a Fazioli so maybe it's a "feature" of this manufacturer of Pianos?

Who's for a thread on the best unexpected background noises on recordings (Kingsway hall tube rumbles etc)?