FUSES??? Just when I just replaced all my PC cords.

So I come across what I think is the next magic pill. "FUSES" Synergistic Research RED Quantum Fuse to be specific. Guaranteed to make a significant improvement in overall sound quality. Or a full refund. Gotta love that, total satisfaction. So, it's got my interest. Let's say one would like to challenge the promise. I have a Jolida tube amp (801) a Jolida JD9II phono pre and a Jolida glass tube DAC III. And I would like to try one fuse to start with. Which of the three components of my system would you recommend trying first?

Thanks in advance for any opinons.  
Mapman wrote,

"I will never understand people’s tolerance for being lied to."

Since nobody knows what quantum tunneling is what’s the difference? Lighten up, it’s only a hobby.

"Without promotion something terrible happens.  Nothing."  - PT Barnum

Kenny928 wrote,

"I understand what you are saying David, but what annoys me is when they use terminologies such as "Quantum Tunneling" which is a quantum mechanics phenomenon, something I am familiar with and why they chose a term if it has nothing to do with their claimed process annoys me to no end."

Manufacturers sometimes choose terminology for their products that they hope will get a rise out of people and garner attention. It’s the nature of the business. With so much competition these days manufacturers are sometimes obliged to try to make their products stand out from the crowd. It’s called artistic license. Or marketing. What would you prefer they call their technique, Proton Tickling? This could be just a case of people being afraid that anything audio related with the word quantum in it must be some sort of con job. It wouldn’t be the first time.

geoff kait
machina dynamica
we do artificial atoms right

There is a difference between exaggerating and lying and it applies even to marketing.
Kenny928... "The issue there is why in the heck did the manufacturer not go with quality parts to begin with? A 5K and above amp or audio equipment with substandard fuses and power cords???"

Merrill Audio does just that . They supply quality fuses and power cords with their Veritas mono block amps. Merrilll would have it no other way.

Kenny928..."Explain that one to me! "

Every audio company has different profit margins and after market parts would kill their bottom line... would be my best guess... while other audio companys put the customer and company name first.

If its a good product and has good sound, chances are they made very educated decisions about the fuse just like everything else that goes into the design. Why did they not use a fuse that costs the end buyer $100 and the seller likely a small fraction of that? Don’t know but they didn’t apparently. I’m sure it was a sound engineering decision and no prejudice against any particular kind of fancy fuse.

BTW the stock fuse in my ARC pre-amp is not your run of the mill 50 cent fuse you might have found at Radio Shack (not that there is anything wrong with that). I replaced the stock ARC fuse with a Synergistic Red Fuse (given to me to try) and have not heard any significant difference for example.