
Which offers superior sound- jumpers or a separate run...or is there no difference? 

What’s the general consensus...?
@zephyr24069 .  Thanks so much for your informative insight based on all of your experience.  I really appreciate you sharing this as I too am trying to evaluate what sounds best.  I will go with your second scenario as I have a good pair of AQ CV8 full range cables w/ DBS.  I'll look for matching jumpers from AQ!  Regards.........

Based upon the "original" and re-aligned posting...TWO Runs Baby. Have always seemed best to me - from Amp to Speaker...and sometimes I Know it's because of the visual appearance. But Damn It - More. Better. Best. ...and seriously - "jumpers" are just wrong when you got heavy duty HiFi. "Come-on-Man!" 

Biwires are okay - but seriously Go All In and make it a "Full" Double Run. Save up your pennies and then pony-up!  

Regardless what my amplifier has - duel or single output binding posts - I stay convinced: Make it a "Full-on" Double Run. "Seriously."

Trust Me, it'll make you feel good, because it sounds Awesome.

Jumpers! Cardas clear jumpers save u a lot of money! Bi wire cables are great!! Also great price! I know, my cardas reflection cables are bi wire! Cheap way is standard cables and cardas clear jumpers! Jumpers for each speaker, around 150.00 to 175.00! Shop eBay!!! Cardas clear will provide no signal loss! They are best jumpers in world!!!!
Ps: Cardas speaker cables out of your wallet range, and they are for most, try cables, and speaker cables offered by Wireworld technology, Davies, Florida! Wireworld intro cables are magnificent for the money! Their intro HDMI cables are biggest bang for buck there is!!!!!