Power cables for PassLabs preamp and poweramp

I just setup my pass xp20 pre and xa30.5 class A amp, finally moved n unboxed everything after 15 months.  I been wanting 2 try some new pc I now have nordost---soundstrings---AQ----n just bought a shunyata ps 8 package----I find the venom defender does not sound good with the pass equipment.

Those r just a few of the PC I have used in the past, I have been advised 2 go with the Shunyata PC.
I would be thankful for ur input.....I also just ordered Maplewood 4" speaker plinths for my Gallo speakers
because I now have a concrete floor 4 the first time-------player is oppmodwright full mods. 

 Thank you 4 the info. will keep it in mind......
 have not been listening much lately but I do
 like the life WyWires PC brought 2 the music....

 I just ordered 3 Burly IC....should arrive on the
 5/12......I already have the Burly speaker cable...

 then I will start listening again......But I still have not
 received my maple shade speaker plinths.........so
 till then I do not feel I will know what my system
 really sounds like....anyone have any input for
 speakers  for my pass equipment....Henry.
As above,
we have Kimber, Purist Audio and Wy Wires mentioned.
Any other PC (s) worth mentioning to mate with Pass Labs gear?
Of the amps brand I've owned (Pass, Conrad Johnson, Cary, Bel Canto, Acurus), PCs made the least impact on my Pass; which came as a welcome relief. 

 I was surprised myself....but they made a big difference....
 I spoke 2 Alex at WyWires after I sent him info on my
 equipment.... he recommended these PC n I bought
 them.....I have not done a ton of listening so far but
 they brought life 2 the sound....made it clearer n
 sounded nice n musical......I could have returned
 them n got my money back but I kept all 5 of them.

I cannot speak for anyone else's system.....but I
feel they are a great buy for the money....henry.