Verdier photo: It looks to me like Dietrich simply replaced the OEM flimsy tonearm mount (an inverted L-shaped affair that never looked to be very stable, to me) with a nice solid pillar and then attached it directly to the granite "plinth". Nothing really radical but certainly better than stock.
Optical illusion Lewm.
(an inverted L-shaped affair that never looked to be very stable, to me)
An Aluminum block rigidly mounted to its plinth .....unstable ? ok......
Look again. the turntable has been rotated counter clockwise. 90 degrees. The stock pillar is still there holding up the other tonearm. The external pod is not touching the same plinth that the platter is attached to.
Nothing really radical but certainly better than stock.
Well ok if you think so. But "Earth" for both of them, Tonearm Pillar and Plinth that holds the Platter, is now the Vibraplane.
I think you just jumped over to the other side and became one of them Copernicans with your comment ?