8-16 ohm budget speakers

Looking for suggestions for speakers that represent an easy drive for a Dynaco ST-70 amplifier. I was thinking ones with 90+ dB sensitivity and 8+ ohms across the frequency range w/benign phase angle. As this is a secondary system I am looking to spend $300-$400 on the used market.  Thanks. 
Allison2, thabks for the tip on the Soliloquy line. Looked them up and am adding the 5.0 to my list. Seems to meet specs and budget.
Dynaco ST 70s love to be mated with any vintage Klipsch,The  Heresy used would be in your price range.   A Dynaco ST 70 would really like to curl up with a Dynaco PAS preamp for a very satisfying musical sound.
Agree with the soliloquys if you can find them.  The Silverline Minuets are also worth a very hard look and can be had in your price range used.