I drive a 2003 Honda CR-V because winters in New England are easier to manage with AWD. I'm 6'7". The Honda handles better than any other SUV [that I can sit in] driving pretty nicely, all things considered. As an aside, my CR-V is from the period when its AWD was on-demand. That means that when I'm enjoying a drift through a corner and the AWD kicks in, I have to correct for the AWD after correcting for the drift: a very different approach to performance driving. Not particularly hard to manage, just different.
I love the bumper sticker "my other car is a broom". When time allows I vintage race a 1961 Sunbeam Alpine --no longer seriously but for fun. Generally if it speaks with a British accent, it's to my liking. The only reason I have a listening room, however, is that I simply can't fit in a Type 35 Bugatti without the jaws of life.
I'm still looking for a Series 1 or 1.5 XKE coupe. I've driven seven of them by now (well, two drop-tops) and just have to have one at some point, sooner, I hope, than later.