For all you McIntosh fans

Awesome link, I spent some time watching the other videos as well.
thanks for sharing
I have toured the factory when my wife and I went to NYC in 2011.  My Randall gave us the tour and played Dire Staits on their system.
It looked like they were pushing those amps into clipping.

I had an MC275 for a while. The second re-issue version. The bass was flabby, although the midrange was nice and the high end was very good, too, At the time, I liked my Classe better.

I live 37 miles from the factory and have listened to many McIntosh based systems at Audio Classics. They make a good product. They are not as bad as critics would lend you to believe, nor as great as their fan boys would have it..

They do wind their own transformers and have weathered the difficult years for tubes.

To me McIntosh is an American Icon much like Harley Davidson. It is a good product with large American pride associated with it but not the last word in hi fi.

$3000 for a product is considered expensive these days? A good meal out for two can cost you between 100 to 200. New cars are going for 30-50,000 and homes are climbing into 400,000 range. Sneakers are up to 125, jeans are 40-100 and a midline new acoustic guitar is going to run you close to 2000. Take a family of four out to a professional sporting event and you are going to drop between 300 to 600.

3000 for a McAire, which seems to have a lot of  features, is a down right good value..