eichlerera Said:
I’m about to run two dedicated lines into my stereo room using a dedicated breaker panel.
For grounding should I drive two copper grounding rods into the earth (one for each circuit) or can I connect both lines to one grounding rod?
The earth does not possess some magical mystical power that sucks nasties from an audio system.
2008 NEC—250.54
Auxiliary Grounding Electrodes.
One or more grounding electrodes shall be permitted to be connected to the equipment grounding conductors specified in 250.118 and shall not be required to comply with the electrode bonding requirements of 250.50 or 250.53(C) or the resistance requirements of 250.56, but the earth shall not be used as an effective ground-fault current path as specified in 250.4(A)(5) and 250.4(B)(4).
The ground rod must connect to the safety equipment grounding conductor of the branch circuit wiring. The branch circuit safety equipment grounding conductor must be connected to the equipment ground bar of a sub panel or main electrical service neutral/ground bar in the main electrical service panel. Period!
Here is a great video to watch on the subject.
Lightning loves Auxiliary Grounding Electrodes. Audio equipment not so much. Good for a quick high energy buzz though.....