best integrated amp.

I'm thinking about buying a new integrated in the 5k to 7k range. My main speakers are Maggie 1.7s.Any suggestions?
Another one I have not heard in person, but the reviews with Magnepans are off the chart is the new Schiit Rangarok integrated........It puts 100WPC into 4ohms, but according to Herb Reichert of Stereophile, it makes the Maggie .7s just come of all it's only 1699.00 factory direct and you also have a truly world class headphone amp......

would be worth a try and if you didn't like it, you could always return it.....I bet you'd love it.....
stewart0722,Now you have got me thinking about maggie upgrade!My main system is a yba 600 power amp and a yba 100 passion integrated for preamp duty.I have never heard the 3.7s.
You can get 3.7s used for a very very good price right now.......
especially if you can go pick them up......   3.7s versus 1.7s
would provide you with a great deal more everything, but
mostly a real low end and fleshed out midrange......attributes
that no integrated upgrade for the 1.7s would provide.....

I would do both.......

get 3.7s minty used for about 3K, sell yours for 1K to 1.2K or so
then get an integrated with some punch that has been shown to gel well with Magnepan.......

All this depends on what size room you have......
May as well consider Musical Fidelity. They may not be "best" but could very well be close enough especially if value (i.e. price/quality/sound) is considered with equal weight. While most integrated manufactures liken their product to a separate amp and pre-amp, Musical Fidelity goes a step further to claim their integrated (M6si) is actually three components that happen to share the same casing. A pre-amp, and two mono-block amps. Just my .02 as I’ve auditioned the Krell Vanguard and MCIntosh comparable as well.