Krell Kps28c vs Marantz SA-1

Which would you choose and why? This will be for Redbook.
I actually have both currently, SA-7S1 and SA-1.
SA-1 is clearly superior but SA-7S1 will still slash all other digital front end that I have owned. SA-7S1 seems a bit more reserved but also very very good. Plus 3 different filter settings to mach your gear and taste.
The clarity and musical flow from SA-1 is just something really special.
It's funny how different ears can hear things differently. When I had both in house, I preferred the SA-7S1 to the SA-1. It wasn't a huge difference by any stretch, but that's how it turned out for me. The SA-7S1 IS more "reserved" in comparison with some other, more forward players, but I think that adds to its sense of fluidity and ease. Whether that's an artifact or not, who knows?