French-fries, you have some great tape gear there. I would never buy a 15 ips tape off of ebay (ebay is not audogon). My experience with Tape Project has been excellent. The reels are the best I own, the boxes first rate and I do have the photo of the artists start to peel when my amps start getting really hot. Check of 'Open Reel Records (, There is more and more tape becoming available every day. I would rather listen to a record than an SACD, though do enjoy my nice sacd classical recordings VERY much. Not much of a difference between a good sacd and a regular record but a great record blows the sacd away, and a great tape, as much as I agree setting up is more of a pain then putting a record on, to my ears, tape sound trumps all (on my rig). There is an outfit that tapes live jazz performances and they sell those tapes, I think $300. I have not heard them but my friends have and they say they are 1st generation. Keep in mind, a blank good reel is $50 and tape costs a few dollars as well so I do not think $275-$300 for a first generation tape of a live recording (of music that I like) is expensive, looking at the costs to make them up. $450 for 40 minutes of music when there is only one tack that you like can definitely get someone down on tape. Its not for everyone, but neither is a 49 year old bottle of wine or a 100 year old fountain pen. Tape, like vinyl, have become acquired taste's.