Obscure bands

Does anyone know a band called City Boy? (70's/80's)Very obscure and very original. It's beyond Me how such great talent goes so unnoticed! Also please chime in on other obscure talented musicians.

Lucifer's friend is another great band. John Lawton was the original singer on the first five or six albums.                      He later did some stuff with Uriah Heep and also some very good solo albums. Hey did a few albums after Lawton left. Just about all of their stuff is good.
I like China Crisis a lot and thanks for reminding me of Crack the Sky. I always equate a band's relative obscurity with being regional independent acts. This is the type of original music I have always strived to find and seek out when I travel. Sometimes they hit it big and sometimes they end up in the cut out bins. So here are a few more: The Samples from Boulder, CO., The Connells from Raleigh, NC., From Good Homes (predecessor to Railroad Earth) from NJ.,  The Grapes from Atlanta, GA., and the White Animals from Nashville, TN. Most of theses acts are still performing, despite a lack of massive commercial success, but they all are well worth checking out. 
Another criminally obscure artist is Bill Mallonee from Athens, GA. Bill has released a ridiculous number of albums to critical acclaim, but has never achieved significant commercial success. Both his solo works and his band Vigilantes of Love are excellent. Check out "Perfume Letter" where his guitar playing is very much like George Harrison. His 70+ albums are available for download on bandcamp and his website is www.volsounds.com. This guy can really write.
** Camel. Suzi Quatro, Mother's Finest, Nantucket, Goose Creek Symphony, American Flyer, etc.

Henry Gross- Plug Me Into Something is one of my favorites.

The Dixie Dreggs don't show up much anymore. There are many outlaw country/ alternative country guys popping up.

I grew up with some kids whose uncle owned Beach Club Productions- we listened to many a promo album in the 70's but my 55 year old memory fails me.

I'll check into some of your entries, great thread!