The WyWires Silver does not have any silver - all copper. WyWires doesn't use any silver wire in any of their cables and if you visit their site you will find out they deslike silver wire as a conductor. They only use the word Silver as a model name.
I've listened to plenty of digital cables of various styles and types over the years and there is a difference in sound between them. I started with the Canare which is a good cable but it's not close to cables even twice the price. Trust your own ears. Yes if you have a system that's not all that revealing and maybe using an Emerson DVD player then pick up a Canare. If your looking to tame your digital front end the Canare will do it; it's really not a bad cable but a little on the warm side. I use Canare cables on stage for mic's and have tried my balanced Canare's on my system at home and same thing; good cable for the money but not the most revealing cable, but a great tone control.
I've listened to plenty of digital cables of various styles and types over the years and there is a difference in sound between them. I started with the Canare which is a good cable but it's not close to cables even twice the price. Trust your own ears. Yes if you have a system that's not all that revealing and maybe using an Emerson DVD player then pick up a Canare. If your looking to tame your digital front end the Canare will do it; it's really not a bad cable but a little on the warm side. I use Canare cables on stage for mic's and have tried my balanced Canare's on my system at home and same thing; good cable for the money but not the most revealing cable, but a great tone control.