Abnerjack wrote,
"It only follows then that the bees are on diet of organic pollen. When I mentioned this to a couple of my audio-unsophisticated friends they were amazed that someone had the gall to advertise a product this way. I am embarrassed for the industry."
The industry doesn’t even know there are such things as aftermarket fuses and directionality of wire. You should be embarrassed for them.
abnerjack also wrote,
"There is quite a buzz about these fuses, although many have reported that they were stung on the purchase of these things. It’s really not a honey of a deal."
Actually one reported he was stung. The rest thought it was the bees knees.
"It only follows then that the bees are on diet of organic pollen. When I mentioned this to a couple of my audio-unsophisticated friends they were amazed that someone had the gall to advertise a product this way. I am embarrassed for the industry."
The industry doesn’t even know there are such things as aftermarket fuses and directionality of wire. You should be embarrassed for them.
abnerjack also wrote,
"There is quite a buzz about these fuses, although many have reported that they were stung on the purchase of these things. It’s really not a honey of a deal."
Actually one reported he was stung. The rest thought it was the bees knees.