Backup battery UPS for my system...

Does anyone have any recommendations?

What are you currently using and why did you choose it?

Many thanks,

I'm using the Pure A/V Hybrid UPS.

In the summer months, I get occasional brownouts and dropouts(1-2 seconds), so I needed something to protect my gear. After doing some research, this unit appears to be the best bargain for it's features.

It's worked flawlessly for me for about 9-12 months now. If you do some looking around, it's possible to find it for half of it's list price.

I use a APC unit that gives me about 5min power to get Projector and amps shut down, I really just use it for Projector......its nice to run a lamp for a couple hours and charge cell phone in emergency. If you shut donw stuff quick it can handle small loads for a good amount of time.
I use a Cyberpower UPS, made for computers and purchased 6 years ago for under $100. I had to replace the lead acid battery once 2 years ago for $35. I use it mainly to protect the DSP-based pre-pro from voltage dips caused by my amps turning on. The voltage dips were causing the pre-pro (Sherwood-Newcastle P-965) to malfunction. Problem solved with UPS.

Chad, I'm surprised you are able to use your battery backup with your amps. Most battery backups I have seen have wattage/current limits well below that demanded by a decent-sized amplifier.
I share Javachips reaction to using a UPS on an amp. If you search the forums you will be hard pressed to find anyone doing or advising this. In fact most consider this to be a big no-no especially with amps. Props to Chadnliz for doing his own evaluation!

When I redid my HT I put in a UPS specifically to handle the DirectTV DVR and AppleTV which are in fact computers with hard drives.

Everything else runs into a BPT (no battery backup) then into a wall.

Let us know what you end up with.
Only my HT amp is in that unit, the 2 channel monsters and all the rest of my sterao gear are not on that line. Sorry I didnt clarify but again my biggest concern was the Projector and some of the more memory sensitive gear thats a pain to set up after a blink out.