Last year when I was in the market for a new set of amps, I had all these amps at the same time and did a thorough comparison. My findings as follows: Ref250, Lamm 2.2, Pass Labs XA160.5 and XA100.5, Krell 402e and Levinson No. 532 and I likes the amps in the below order.
1. REF250 with KT150
2. Lamm M2.2
3. Pass Labs XA160.5
3. Krell 402e
4. XA100.5
5. ML 532
It was a tossed up between the the XA160.5 and 402e.
1. REF250 with KT150
2. Lamm M2.2
3. Pass Labs XA160.5
3. Krell 402e
4. XA100.5
5. ML 532
It was a tossed up between the the XA160.5 and 402e.