Anyone experience/have info re. Arcam FMJ AVR 600?

I have been looking for an an receiver to replace my nakamichi. I have never listened to arcam's equipment before, but I am very intrigued by the avr600. Has anyone seen or have any experience with it? Who sells it and is it available. I hace von schweikert center and front r/l speakers and mb quart rear surround speakers. Thanks for any info on this.
Best regards,
Joe in Mobile
Haven't yet, the unit will sell for $5K! Supposely Arcam is updating there AVR350...
Check out this lengthy, in-depth review from J. Peter Moncrieff. He claims it to be better than anything out there, including the most expensive separates.
Here I had convinced myself to go with parasound separates and now this comes along! There is a local dealer with arcam so I will have to check it out when it comes in stock. Life is never easy.;)

Joe in Mobile
If Mr. Moncrieff's observations are accurate this new Arcam Receiver will doom much of the high end audio industry. The idea of a giant killer receiver of the degree and proportion he describes would be a welcome universal economic solution for many.

While my knowledge is limited I can't remember there ever being a single component that single handedly provided enough power to drive such a load and solve as many audio quality issues we face with our now potentially substandard systems. I'm not mocking this review, I truly hope this receiver performs as he described. I'd truly welcome the simplicity I experienced with my first system a Fisher Receiver, Benjamin Miracord/Shure turntable, AR speakers, with the sonic finesse described with the Arcam.

With such a lengthy detailed review I was surprised that, in my opinion one of the most important features of the latest multichannel offerings, room correction or in the case of the Arcam, automatic speaker setup, was given only a few sentences of description. I'm assuming there isn't an on screen display of the rooms acoustic signature before and after the Arcam's setup. I have many other questions regarding this review but this was glaring to me.