110 (or 120) vs 220


IF an amp can operate at both 110 and 220, and a dedicated circuit is being installed for that amp, is there an advantage to a 220 v circuit? Or is the answer "it depends on the amp"? Or is the answer simply "no"?
basically ,the 220 will flow on more wires creating less restriction . 220 is more efficient ..basically :)
@220 flows on the same number of wires 120v uses one hot and one neutral. 220v uses 2 hot and no neutral. You might be thinking of 3 phase
120 and 220 is single phase
Possibly. At 240 volts half the current is drawn through the wiring and that can result in less power line noise in and out of the amplifier. We pay a lot of money in power cords to do just that. Speaking of which, you can’t use the standard 5-15 (up-up) blade power cord for 240 volts, so a disadvantage may be the cost of a special order audiophile power cord with a 240 volt plug.


Not sure what country you live in, your profile says n/a.

If you live in the US it is against NEC code to install a 240V dedicated circuit to power a consumer sold piece of audio equipment. Good chance your local electrical inspection department adopted that section of NEC code as well. If that is the case Your home owner insurance follows that as well when it comes to covering a claim.

As gs5556 said in his post you would have to use a plug designed and rated for 240V as well as a matching wall receptacle. That would pretty much eliminate the use any aftermarket power cords and or audio grade receptacles.

Next problem is the equipment was designed to be fed by an AC power system that has a Hot Line conductor and a Grounded Neutral Line conductor, be it 120V (North America), 220V, 230V or 240V as found in Europe for example. The 240V mains voltage in the US consists of 2 Hot ungrounded conductors. The audio equipment is designed to be connected to a branch with a hot and neutral conductor. Only the Hot conductor has a Line safety fuse that is there to protect the piece audio equipment from an over load or short circuit condition. If the safety equipment grounding conductor, from the wall receptacle/branch circuit is used on the piece of audio equipment, then the fuse will blow in the case of a hot to chassis ground fault condition. (No live parts inside the equipment past the blown fuse.)

The neutral conductor feeds the other lead of the power transformer of the piece of audio equipment.

So what if you feed the piece of equipment with 240V, where both lines are Hot ungrounded conductors? If there is an overload the safety fuse will blow breaking the overload condition. Of course the other Hot line of the 240V will still be hot inside the equipment. Through the primary winding of the power transformer >>> to the on/off power switch of the piece of equipment, and if the switch is on, closed, >>> to the load side of the blown fuse. Problem? Probably not if the overload was caused by something on the secondary side of the power transformer.

What if the primary winding of power transformer shorted out? The fuse should blow. But what about the other Hot unfused conductor that is connected to the other lead of the primary winding of the transformer? What if the short bared the insulation from the winding and it comes into contact with the iron core of the transformer? Do you see a problem? I can see several.

What if the piece of audio equipment uses the wall receptacle/branch circuit safety equipment ground and a ground fault condition happens on the hot line that is fused that feeds one the leads of the power transformer. Will the fuse blow? Yes, it should... But what about the hot conductor that is connected to the other lead of the primary winding of the power transformer? If the ground fault survived the other Hot line to chassis when the fuse blew then a closed 120V circuit may exist. Hot ungrounded conductor connected to the primary winding lead >>> through the primary winding of the power transformer >>> through the wiring of the equipment to the ground fault condition connection to the chassis >>> out on the safety equipment ground wire of the power cord >>> to the equipment ground of the wall receptacle >>> through the equipment grounding conductor of the branch circuit >>> to the neutral grounded conductor in the main service electrical panel. Houston we have lift off. The piece of audio equipment is being fed by 120V.

I could give many more What IFs to consider.

Last but not least usually audio equipment involves separate pieces of equipment that are connected together by wire interconnects. Rule of thumb is to feed all the equipment, that is connected together by wire interconnects, is to feed them from the same Line, leg, from the electrical panel. How are you going to do that if some equipment is fed by 240V and some are fed by 120V?