The hobby is fragmented into many different segments. If I can use a car analogy for a sec, there are the antiquarian types (think vintage Bugatti, pre-war, similar to the WE horn crowd); the high dollar bling- modern Ferrari, Lambo whatever (give me a vintage one); the bang for the buck crowd-monster performance for the dollar from some Japanese tweaker cars or hell, even a modern Corvette. And a sort of middle ground that captures old school, plus high performance/vaiue ratio- e.g. later air cooled 911s that have had some wrench turning done. There is every conceivable flavor, following and "school of" under the sun; I think the same is true in hi-fi. I don't think the hobby, in any of its forms will expire-there are still folks who are avid about 78s. All of it can be embraced--(I don't do 78s, it's too much at this point, I buy later transcriptions on 33). But, who would have predicted all the big ticket vinyl stuff- that's not the so-called millennial crowd. I firmly believe that you can buy something of value that will last a long time and give you great pleasure. A lot of the turnover in hi-fi was the "upgrade" and for some segment it still may be- those who are still building a system or those who just like changing gear. There's room for all of it. I think this stuff will be here long after even the youngest of us are gone, but if I'm wrong, I guess I won't know, will I?