Very best 5 ch amp to feed a complete PSB system

Just wondering if there are any people who have been down this road. Im going to buy a complete PSB set of HT speakers, either Platinum T8 based or synchrony 0ne based ( another quandry I have, comments welcome) Im using a classe ss600 proc and want to buy the very best 5 ch amp to match the speakers. Suggestions so far are Bat and Theta. All help welcomed
I have a Mac 7106 and bridged the center channel-simply amazing! Anthem is my second choice. Sherbourne third, it's just too big and heavy.
You can go Classe CA5100 to match, I have a MAC and love the smoothness of it, Theta is nice and so is the Parasound A51. There are lots of options! I doubt you will get a consensus on "what is the best amp". Buying used on the gon allows you to try untill you like something without huge $$ losses.
Thanks, would not have considered mac as we dont see it much in Europe. ill have a look at the reviews.Thanks all.