Do female audiophiles exist

I've hear of UFO's , and Bigfoot, but never seen one!

I've never heard of an audiophile from the opposite sex, and never seen one either.

Although I never followed from the beginning, I assumed "Elizabeth" was a male.
audiowoman:, You should have nothing to prove, IMO. It just helps to post on ongoing listening thoughts now & then. To be a music lover is more important than being an "audiophile".

@ path2one, I hear you. @ sbank, thanks. @ slaw, just a thought, I would think not all music lovers are audiophiles, but aren't all audiophiles music lovers?
Regarding your last question, I've read message boards where audiophiles tout the recording quality over the music. 

I I think you have both, those that value music over recording quality and vice versa..
In my collection I've got some down right awful recordings, and many more that are just mediocre.  But I love music and dig past all that to embrace the music.  When I listen to well recorded music of course I'm in music heaven, but those who aren't pure music lovers are missing out on a LOT!  Of course I grew up in the transistor radio era, too.  Might have a little to do with it.
@mewsickbuff You would think so, but I've run into a few guys who can't even listen to a whole song. All they want to do is play test tracks for 30 seconds and A/B test until the cows come home. The best way to shut them up is to ask them what new albums they are enjoying lately! Cheers,