Raidho speaker owners, what solid state amplifier do you use?

There seems to be consensus SS amps in general are better match for Raidho speakers than tube amps. I'm using 200 watt Bob Carver tube monoblock amps with my D2 to great effect, but I'm interested in getting a SS amp (less than 8k new or used).  The Soluution, Constellation, etc are way too overpriced IMO.  Any experiences with less costly offerings?  I am looking into the new Yamaha top of the line integrated, AS3000, which is 7k retail.  It's rated 100 watt at 8 ohm and 150 at 4 ohms and is built like a tank with substantial power supply (over 50 lbs).  This is the way Yamaha used to build their top amps decades ago before they went cheap mass market. 
If you have $50K, they sounded pretty awesome w top of line VAC tube amps in NYC a couple of years ago.
Jeff Rowland - How could I have forgotten that one. Duh - A lot like the Aavik. Are you just tired of tubes - the heat and maintenance? The GL reissue is a OK tube with Raidho IMO (I still have them and many others). Original Gold Lions/GEC/Marconi  are a lot better with the D2's along with Ei KT90's.  EAT KT88 Diamonds are also very good but extra pricey and were not too reliable in the Octave. SED 6550's aren't all that bad either. SED KT88's are a bit warmer and IMO too warm for Raidho D series.
Thanks for reminding me of the Rowland.  I'll have to check it out.  There seems to be some consensus that Raidho's like Class D amps with very high dampening factor.

Yes, tubes can be annoying.  But in my Carver, each KT88 output tube idle around 10 to 15 watts depending on the bias setting, so they're only warm to the touch.  My previous Shuguang KT88s were running strong even after 4 years, before I replace them with the GLs to get a different flavor of sound.  So tube maintenance is not an issue for me with the Carvers.  One thing I don't like about tubes is their high cost, especially if you have to buy 12 output tubes (in the Carver amp).

I think the sound of an output tube is more dependent on the amplifier circuitry and speaker it is used in, than the actual brand or type.  IMO, this is why there are varying opinions on the sound of a particular brand or type of output tube. I've heard some describe the reissue GL KT88 as very warm and lush in the midrange and adequate in the bass. It doesn't sound like that in my system (slightly warm in the midrange with slamin bass in my system), but it may in your system. 
If they like current and high dampening consider Hegel 360 or the higher end Hegel separates. They step up to great speakers generally although I have no first hand knowledge of how they play with radho. You have some great options out there keep us posted. 
Sckoczylas, I heard the Raidho D1 with the Hegel monoblocks.  They are not a good match IMO.  Sound was slow and ponderous and not transparent.  Thanks for your input.