what does a power conditioner really do?

and why would one really be necessary 
Westrom have you heard the Furhman? You mentioned it’s "fictional advantages ."

While i have not heard it, in my above rant I mentioned recently acquiring (and being a dealer for ) The designers latest venture for Audioquest based on the things he developed at Furhman. however that company’s focus wasn’t high end audio so i can’t speak for its level of improvement.

The electronics I am running have excellent power supplies designed by veteran audio engineers. So the notion that properly designed equipment can’t benefit significantly from external power conditioning (even power amps) simply doesn’t hold up, at least in my system.

I also think environment plays an issue. Someone like myself in NYC faces different issues than someone in the suburbs or a rural area .

Here’s another crazy thing.

on the youtube link from my previous post - actually the next part of the 4 part video, you can hear the improvement in the amps from conditioned vs. Dedicated lines alone.... On the video.... Over my iPhone’s speaker! It’s actually crazy . I had to have a friend verify that he could hear it too. It’s seems impossible but the bass clarity was audible over a freakin’ phone. I would not have believed it if I hadn’t heard it myself.
I started ac conditioning with a monster government military surplus 300 pound transformer. It helped but was noisy. Since then I have had over twenty devices, some worked a little, some did nothing, some had liabilities, some were beautiful, some were regenerators, and the High Fidelity Waveguide power center which uses magnets to get the junk off the line.

It looks like a toaster oven, but it really works. 
I would still say the Elgar 3006B 200lbs Power Conditioner will outclass each and every single one mentioned on this thread. You really need to see these unit in person and how they can make your audio system elevate a few notch. Atma-Sphere music Systems www.atma-sphere.com is selling them and 1 is available for sale approx. 4000-4500 dollars I cant remember the price. I can tell you no other power conditioner in the high end audio market will come close to this one!!
Have you tried the High Fidelity Waveguide ten outlet prototype that has been upgraded to present standards. It is the magnets that result in its performance. 

I have never heard the Elgar but the HFC outperforms the other 28 power conditioners I've used.

I must say that the HFC benefits from pcs to ics to speaker wires all come at great expense but are also unrivaled.
@cousinbillyl 125V is perfectly reasonable.

115V is just what they call "Nominal" or "named" voltage. Equipment manufacturers must build to long term use up to 130V, I believe.

If you are that concerned get a voltage regulator, but be warned, 125V is what most pro power considers would consider "in regulation", so they won't do anything. I used to get 128-129V and it WOULD drop that down a bit, so I'd get between 129 and 125V.  << shrug >>

PG&E sent me the specs, and they were a little concerned, and eventually balanced the power in my neighborhood a little better.