Would the imprint on the side of the cap diminish the contact area enough to degrade the sound and could it be that by rotating or reversing the fuse has the potential to align things in the most desirable manner?
Hi Nonoise,
I suspect that the significance, if any, of the positioning of the imprint on the sonics of a component could only be determined experimentally. And I would expect that significance, if any, to certainly vary widely among components that perform different functions and that are different specific designs. Just as different designs will vary in their sensitivity to the much larger differences in line voltage that occur from location to location, and in many cases from time to time at a given location. The presence or absence of internal voltage regulation (most power amp designs have unregulated power supplies, in contrast to most line-level components), and the efficacy of that regulation if present, being just one of a great many design-related factors contributing to that variation.
Also, would this be akin to the "eddy effect" that connectors encounter?
What I am envisioning, and what I believe Ralph was referring to, are simply differences in the very small amounts of resistance that may exist between a fuse and the contacts on its holder. Not sure that eddy currents have relevance in this context.
Best regards,
-- Al