Obscure bands

Does anyone know a band called City Boy? (70's/80's)Very obscure and very original. It's beyond Me how such great talent goes so unnoticed! Also please chime in on other obscure talented musicians.


The Mystix - from the Boston area I believe. They have added Annie Raines to the line-up. She plays sometimes with Paul Rishell, a great guitar player.

There's 3 low flyers in 1 grouping.

Had to dust off some Love Tractor after reading through this thread. "Themes From Venus" is a great album. Also, Marty mentioned some Feelies spin-offs early on, but didn't mention my personal favorite Feelies spin-off - Wake Ooloo. Silly name, but great music. A little harder than the other Feelies stuff. 
@noisebilly - as you mention those bands do you like Unsane, Colossamite, Slug, Don Caballero, Johnboy, Melvins et al...?