What's going on with the audio market?

Recent retail sales reports are very bad and I am hearing that sales for audio equipment have been nonexistent over the past few months.  I also see more dealers putting items up for sale here and on other outlets.  Even items that have traditionally sold quickly here are expiring without being sold. 

To what would you attribute the slowdown?  Have you changed your buying habits for audio equipment and, if so, why? 
My interest in audio began at a very young age of 6, when I stayed up listening to am radio hits.  Eventually, at 9 I received my first compact record player, spinning 45's and by the age of 11 33's.  Although, I always had a great desire for sound quality, it took until my early 20's to discover that audio could come close to replicating the live venue.  
Throughout the last 50 years I have personally known maybe 6 people...outside of the audio world...who cared about audio equipment.  It has always been on the periphery.  All  my friends, from high school on, just jammed tunes on their 8-tracks, cassettes, etc.
The explosive pricing for top end equipment appears to be nothing new.  Back in the late 80's I was astounded to read of a $7500.00 amplifier.  Now, that's on the lower end of the tier.
Personally, I don't see a drop in audiophile interest...it merely seems to  exists in the same world of esoterica as always.
Throughout the last 50 years I have personally known maybe 6 people...outside of the audio world...who cared about audio equipment. It has always been on the periphery.
Wow, too bad.  My experience has been quite the contrary.
When I started in High School everybody either had or wanted a good stereo.  And a hot car too.

Its only now that I know 6 people, outside the industry, that have an interest and I can talk audio with. 
Personally, I don't see a drop in audiophile interest...it merely seems to exists in the same world of esoterica as always.
Now its esoteric.  But it once was mainstream brother. 

Oh yeah, my numbers - 58, 17, maybe 4.

jafant I wonder why? grow up dude and be polite and maybe that won't happen?
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