Can SMPS based preamps/amps sound organic ?

Lately I have been reading about some well known companies who make amps and preamps based on switch mode (digital) power supply. Nagra, David Berning, Linn, Crayon Audio comes to mind. I have heard a couple of their products but I always seem to hear some kind of switching noise which comes through as "digital" sounding. The organic quality is somewhat robbed and replaced with some hash. I wonder if there are any designs using SMPS that can actually sound natural and organic ?

To me it seems mostly a matter of convenience to use SMPS but I would love to discuss.
SMPS issues got sorted out a long time (decades) ago. These days a properly designed SMPS should be as quiet or quieter than a conventional supply.
I was always a skeptic with SMPS all they way until I heard Soulution. Never heard the Rowlands but they are supposed to be real good. Raidho used them at a lot of demo's. Then they came out with the Aavik which they now use. Now Aavik just came out with a class A amp and pre but I don't know if they are using a SMPS. 
Given the positive and encouraging comments here with regard to SMPS  what explains the continued popularity  of linear power supplies?  It leads me to suspect that they must have some significant inherent justification. Or is it just stubbornness on behalf of many builders?
FWIW, my DEQX HDP-5 preamp/processor, which is their top-of-the-line model, uses a switching power supply. Their somewhat less expensive previous top-of-the-line model, the HDP-4, uses a linear supply.

I suspect that a factor in their decision to make that change may have been a need for additional internal real estate, because the newer model incorporates a touchscreen and some other functions that were not provided in the HDP-4. But in any event I have been very pleased with the unit’s transparency, absence of coloration, and total absence of noise at any volume setting.

Charles, regarding your question my guess is that contributing factors to the continued bias toward linear supplies that seems to be evident among many designers include their own familiarity with the use of those supplies, and perhaps also an expectation that many potential customers would be similarly biased.

Best regards,
-- Al