Goldencutt…not knowing things like grammar and punctuation and how your Tesla works (no mystery to any of that by the way) might work for you, but my position on this over hyped baloney has been clear. SR uses terms in its production description that are nonsense (Quantum Tunneling? really?), produces products that, at least in the case of the fuses, have cashed in on the naiveté of possibly well meaning audio "seekers", and through the hard selling minions endlessly repeating their supposed astonishment at the magic in these things while rarely missing a chance to hard sell 'em like a Vegematic (which actually might work as described…no mystery there), SR sells the panting tweakers a fuse for around 4000% profit. Ka-ching! Allegedly bombing a fuse with 2,000,000 volts doesn't change the fact that it's a $2 fuse that has nothing to do with the circuitry of what it's stuck into except that it should blow if necessary, regardless of which direction (AC…goes both ways…look it up) it might be installed. Has all the supposed tonal improvement that the electrons buzzing through the "magic half inch" provide caused any brilliant gear designers to sign on to this stuff? Not the ones I know…but then they aren't on the SR payroll.