Do female audiophiles exist

I've hear of UFO's , and Bigfoot, but never seen one!

I've never heard of an audiophile from the opposite sex, and never seen one either.

Too soon? I literally just found this forum. I'm calling myself an audiophile-in-training - and female. I've always had the pleasure of enjoying excellent audio because my father had it set up. that was years ago - now I'm starting my on my own, looking to recreate the goodness. Hope to learn a lot from you all! 
@ redridinghood, welcome fellow female audiophile (in the making).  I also learned a lot about music systems on forums (and am still learning).  You are in for quite a ride, but remember, in the end your own ears will let you know what sound is right for you.  Enjoy the journey!
willgolf: Let's not confuse WAF with listening ability...

IMHO: If you find a female who stops and comments how good something sounds - STOP THERE! Don't fiddle, change or upgrade (LOL!!!)