What's the latest word on the Emotiva UMC-1?

I just bought the Oppo 83 blu-ray player, and now see the Emotiva website says the UMC-1 processor is in initial shipping mode. At only $700, is this processor really of great quality and a bargain compared to the likes of more expensive units from Onkyo, Integra, Marantz, Rotel, etc? I'm looking to spend under $3,000. For strictly home theater use, would you go for the UMC-1 or what other product?
Oh please?

Have you tried the UMC-1 in a dedicated theater room? How about the Denon 3311? I have...been there, done that. Did you actually try the DTR 40.2? I'm well aquainted with it to say the least. Have you heard one with a good amp?

People should not review gear they have not heard. Oh, and the EQ for the sub is overkill for any good sub and a proper theater room. I didn't need to bother with it. As for auto tuning for rooms, I don't like it. I can always do better on my own as can most people I know. Using starts a baseline at best and the real tweaking for a room begins. Yes, if you don't know how to do it, then go buy a Denon and stay mid-fi.

But the main reason for these devices is to deliver the sonic goods, and the UMC-1 does this better than the Onkyo and FAR better than my now sold Onkyo.

Most of the people who pass judgement on these systems and components never actually compared them. They cruise the forums and pile on about stuff they don't own. In the beginning the UMC-1 was a mess, but it's a great unit and the very effective center of my dedicated theater. If it failed me in any respect it would fly right out with the Onkyo junk.


Which Onkyo model did this UMC-1 beat in your comparison? Just curious.

So the Denon is mid fi but the Emotiva is hifi?
You know the AMC Gremiln looked like a good deal at first aswell.