Upgrading the "original " Rogue Sphinx integrated amp to the new version 2 (v-2)??

I have the original Rogue "Sphinx" integrated amp which was introduced approx. 4 years ago. There are upgrades now available for $400.00 plus round trip shipping. The upgrades focus on headphone output level;  increasing output level of phono stage, and general noise floor reduction,  Has any original  Rogue. Sphinx owner had these upgrades done?? and is it WORTH IT, THAT IS, demonstrates a noticeable improvement in sound quality. especially noise floor

I ask because the upgrades with  shipping will cost $600 from Rogue's factory in Pennsylvania to the West Coast ( they will not pay for return shipping).  It is a nice integrated amp, but no classic. I have considered taking that $600 and adding maybe $1100, and buying something new or used mint that is superior in sound quality for around $1800-$2000. Must have a excellent phono stage that can do both MM/MC, and be 100-150 RMS.   All suggestions and recommendation are welcomed.   Thank you

Devilboy, Can't find a reference to the so-called Clones 25i.  Please don't pull my chain about the topic.
Sunnyjim, I've been a member for 10 years. You really think I'm "pulling your chain"?
Google 6moons review clones 25i.
And even without the 6moons search, I found clones audio easily.
Gimme a break.
Also, if you only ever read the mainstream audio publications, all you'll ever know of are the overpriced mainstream crap out there.
Put those rags down and expose yourself to companies that don't pay for full page advertising to get a good review.

Ok, Devil boy, chill.  I did not intend to offend you or Clones Inc,. but you have to admit that a  company called Clones, or product called Clones 25i  seems a big comical.  However, I will google or gargle up the Clones review on Six Moons. etc. 

As I noted before will these companies be in business in the next 5 years regardless of whether they made the review pages of the major audio rags or not. I am thinking of switching my subscriptions to "Muscle Cars"  and the scouting magazine" Boy's Life"