what is the problem with too much tracking force?

I have a Lyra Delos on a Michell Tecnodec.  The dealer set it up for me.  2 years later, I would like to learn to do this myself.  I bought the MOFI Geo Disc alignment tool, a digital stylus scale, a powerful magnifier, and an ultrasonic stylus cleaner.  I am ready to up my game with my vinyl hobby.  I was on the sidelines too long!

The first thing I did was to weigh the VTF with the scale with my table set up as it has been for a couple of years.  It came in at 1.95g.  The Lyra documentation suggests 1.75, so clearly I am tracking too heavy.  Before I correct this, what is the issue?  Is there something I should look for when I change it to 1.75?

Any advice before I do this adjustment would be much appreciated!
FWIW, I don't get too caught up in getting an exact VTF setting.  IMHO, it is more about getting the correct combined setting of VTA and VTF taking into consideration the thickness of the record. I've always considered VTA to be the most important of the two and have often adjusted the VTF to effect a minor change in the VTA. I can more easily hear small changes in VTA than I ever have in VTF. 
Much too high can cause excess wear, too light and you won't track and will probably skip a lot.  Will you hear a difference between 1.75 and 1.95?  Doubtful, but you never know.  Try it and see.  You won;t hurt anything.
In my estimation there is:

Not enough VTF
Enough VTF
More than enough VTF
Too much VTF

In my experience with two Delos carts, measuring VTF with a 3 place digimeter, I aim for 1.80, what I feel is the Enough VTF setting. These both on VPI Aries 2 Black and Technics SL1200 Mk2 tables.

" ... what is your advice?  1.76 exactly?  What would you expect the issues may be with 1.95 of force as the table is at now versus the proper 1.76?"

I think it's generally wise to follow the manufacturer's  recommendation.  In this case, you may have some increased stylus and/or vinyl wear because of too much VTF.  But I think that's unlikely, especially because the recommended VTF is within such as narrow range.

FWIW my upgraded Skala on an Origin Live Illustrious arm is at 1.75 & tracking is absolutely fine.