Dick's / Dave's picks

Anyone else into this series of Grateful Dead recordings?
If so, please list your fave (s) or collection.
Hello Jafant - I received my 78 Red Rocks box set and I must say that I was not impressed. You will note that I have and can say with conviction every disc / box set and current subscriptions issued for and by the Grateful Dead .....and this box set is NOT one of my favorites. The Europe 72 to give you a reference point is still my favorite as that was the Grateful Dead. They must have doing massive amounts of cocaine at these shows and at that time I do believe they were as the music's tempo is totally jacked up.....each song ends on the same type of crescendo....and Donna ought to have been shot for ruining  each song with her off key singing ...no screaming on this tour.  Bobby was not that far behind.  Naaaw......not my favorite and the songs and set list were very predictable. I saw them in 78 .....but don't remember .   
@garebear Yeah that's funny, upon first listen to the 24/192 July 78 "Bettyboards" shows, one of the things that jumped out was how badly off key Donna's vocals were in some spots. Never been a fan of her, but this was the most obvious vocal crime I've heard recently. 

I will keep your comments in mind about the fast tempo, etc. next time I listen to them. Overall I like the mix of playlists from these 5 shows. Cheers,