Focal mini utopia

What are folks experience with these as monitors? Specifically the non Be model.

I don't use subs so no idea how they will integrate but I will suspect no issues they seem to roll off gradually and smoothly in the low end. I also have never owned Maggies so can't really say how the tweeters will compare but Focal is known for their tweeters, they are used by other manufacturers and this was their very best tweeter when these speakers were released. And your electronics sound like a good match these speakers love tubes and the added warmth keeps them from getting bright and I feel nicely fleshes out the mid-range.
raymonda any update on the speakers? I would love to hear your impressions when they arrive I don't know anyone else who has these but me. Thanks!
They arrived on thursday....I set them up on Friday and one of the mid drivers was doa. 

I sent the one speaker back for repairs. Most likely won't get it back for a fewe weeks.


Raymonda oh no bummer!! So sorry to hear that dude! Glad your able to get it fixed though on good thing about Focal is it's easy to get drivers they produce to many. I hope whoever sold them to you is covering the repair! Good luck and let me know when your up and running!