FR64s & Orsonic Av-1s Effective mass ?

Hi Good folks!

I have an FR 64s with original headshell. Have ordered an Orsonic Av-1s/ 10 grams, to meet better compliance/ resonnance matching with higher compliance cartridges.

Any idea what the effective mass will be with this combination?

Would be funny to try for example how my London Decca Super Gold would work with this arm..😀

Raul, As I mentioned once before, the cartridge I am running on my FR64S is an Acutex LPM320STRIII.  Acutex say the compliance is 42; I forget whether that is a static or dynamic measurement and at what frequency. I also own the snub nose earlier version M320, but have not tried it yet. Yes, it is a great cartridge. I wonder whether paradoxically MM or MI cartridges like the Acutex might actually work BETTER than MC types on an undamped tonearm such as the FR64S, because the MCs are said to put more energy back up into the arm wand, perhaps due to low compliance.  A high compliance cartridge is acting like a good auto suspension to minimize energy that might go back up into the cartridge body, and therefore there is less need for damping the tonearm proper. Plus, I said my piece on mass loading. Just a thought.

@syntax : Your skills/abilities to avoid answers to my specific questions are " admirable ".

I never ever read or " listen " that you and your audio advisor ( btw, any one. ), that " die for FR marvelous performance/design ", any single argument and reasons WHY that FR helps in better way to cope/cover with the cartridge needs against a damped Tonearm and headshell designs and WHY the damped tonearms are an inferior kind of designs WHY does not helps to be a better cartridge match as the non damped tonearm designs.

So, you have other opportunity to put real light with specific arguments/facts of all the cartridge benefits of undamped designs against damped tonearms and headshells other that " I like it or sounds terrific ".

Btw, JC already gave you and your advisor a precise answer for all of us can learn and in diferent threads not only my posts but other people posts gave you very specific arguments about that no one prove are all wrong.

JC is not only the Lyra designer but he made and make cartridge designs for other " people ".
He was and is so succesfuly because not only his high knowledge level on design but because made and make his cartridge voicing and even makes voicing/tests top competiors cartridges and for do all that he has the right skills ( other than be a music lover. ) to do it.
He already tested almost any tonearm you can imagine ( included the FR as he answered to both of you. ) with " dream " TTs and electronics.

In the other side no one knows better the Lyra cartridge quality performance levels than JC and this is an additional fact that till today both of you never posted any single specific argument against JC " certified " arguments.

My " broken record " on DISTORTIONS came not ( as you said. ) from 6 years ago but years before that when I learned not only about tonearm or cartridges but about DISTORTIONS in any single link in the audio system chain and how to be aware of those distortions and what to do to put each one at minimum or near as we can.

In favor of Agoners and audio industry please don’t try to avoid again your good founded facts and give us that light/answers.

Regards and enjoy the music,

As always dead silence/no answer. Have not any single argument/fact as all the other promotion's gentlemans.

I'm sure that some day all of us will learn: or not?

rauliruegas7,575 posts "As always dead silence/no answer. Have not any single argument/fact as all the other promotion’s gentlemans."

Your question was answered before you asked it. Perhaps you might consider going back and reading this thread more carefully.

Here’s a little tip, Raul. When you write, "... WHY that FR helps in better ... and WHY the damped tonearms are an inferior kind of designs WHY do ..." the use of all caps is considered shouting. That gives contributors here just one more reason to ignore you.

In any event, no one here in this group owes you an explanation for anything.
Dear @lewm : A tonearm manufacturer " normally " makes his design for any kind of cartridge compliance included his kind of tonearm damping choice .

Feedback, vibrations, noises, resonances, distortions comes from everywhere ( TT platter, platter mat, LP, arm board, TT motor, air borne noise, etc, etc. ) in the room/audio system and the tonearm designer have to deal with all of them to achieve his tonearm targets.

Cartridge compliance is part of the cartridge suspension system that's " affected " by the suspension damping mechanism cartridge designer choosed and between other things the kind of dampers and damper build materials.

Each cartridge, independent of its compliance, has its own kind of vibrations/feedback/cartridge body ones, diferent compliance values only can change the amplitude or frequency where " vibrations/distortions can happen and of course tracking abilities.

In all type of cartridges a damped tonearm always helps against no damping at all.

Through our life, inside and out of audio world, we like several things that we know are wrong but we still are sticky to them.
Example: sugar/comercial chocolat are a human been " murderer " that always goes against our safety health but here we know is wrong and accept it ( does not matters that we go on eating sugar. ) and with the non damped tonearm we can't accept is wrong even with evidence against a damped designs.

What do we in the audio world?, nothing but try to be " self  convinced ) through that: " I LIKE IT " and that's all and that's why one gentleman posted here:

"  Raul is actually the only person I've ever heard who didn't think the FR-64S was an outstanding pickup arm. """

With that sentence he thinks is confirming he is rigth when in reality is wrong on that subject.

Anyway, as always a learning day.

Regards and enjoy the music,