Buying Without Audition

Surely I'm not the only one with the dilemma of living out in the boonies with no audio equipment dealer (other than Walmart) within 100+ miles.  How does one choose among the many speakers offered in any given price range without listening to them before buying?  The reviews are often skewed by self interest and, in any event, what you hear and what you like is completely subjective and the prosaic descriptions in the reviews mean different thing to different people.  After all, you really can't accurately describe in words what someone else might hear. The problem is compounded if you wish to buy "used" from a private party as there often is no right of return, and when there is, the cost of shipping both ways is a significant consideration, especially when looking for floor speakers.

Any educated suggestions?
Right now I'm using my 1990's Luxman R-115 receiver (75w/ch),
 recently cleaned and recapped. I've got a Peachtree Audio Grand Integrated on its way here. Tons of class D power (more than I really need) and a great built in DAC. For sources I have a Musical Fidelity X-Ray CDP and will stream internet radio from an iPad. I accumulated all the equipment (except for the iPad) without audition and based on research and reviews. I've done ok so far but speakers are so variable and subjective that it gives cause for caution.
In Atlanta here. If you like I would be glad to have you over to listen to some Zu Def 4s if you happen to be in town for business. 
Thank you so much for the offer. I'm not sure when I'll be down there again but I may contact you when I think I may be traveling your way.
Buying without audition is not a smart thing to do. As far as using reviews by anyone its good for guidelines but usually the reviewer gets paid by the products they review. So take reviews with a grain of salt. Everyones  sonic preferences are unique to themselves so what sounds good to you may not sound so good to someone else. Always audition and if it does not please you move on.
I agree, gillatgh, but the OP isn't near any dealers, so he has to rely on reviews. But, I agree, some reviewers are not entirely forthcoming of their relationship with the item being reviewed. But, thanks to the internet, one can get a fairly good idea of the characteristics for a given component.