What is your go-to online place to buy physical medium of music? And why?

The brunt of the question is pretty much covered in the title, but just curious where most people are buying any physical medium of music (vinyl, cassette, 8-track, etc.) online.

Personally, I've probably only bought a couple of items online. I mostly patronize my local independent record stores but, obviously, the selection of music available online is essentially infinite, so I'd like to start utilizing it more.

Amazon for most of my CDs. Also will buy used from Discogs.com for OOP CDs. Also belong to swapacd.com - super cheap swapping site. And sometimes I have no choice but to go directly to the producer or artist site.

+1 on all marktomaras said. I will also ad, do shop your local LP shops, or whatever good ones you can find. I have found many early pressings of my favorite music, and have been well rewarded with great sound. Cheers, and enjoy the hunt.

I ignored Amazon for years. But when living in the S. California desert, going into L.A. only occasionally, and having not a single music retailer (unless you count Barnes & Noble, Walmart, and Target. I don't) within an hour's drive, I finally gave them a try. NOW I understand why people like it so much. Fantastic! Everything in stock, cheap prices, free and quick shipping---what's NOT to like?!
Over 90% of my new LPs are bought from musicdirect. The rest from record stores while buying used vinyl
I have used Records By Mail online for used records. They are accurately, visually graded, and have a 2 million record selection, great web site, bullet proof packaging, and reasonable prices. Never been disappointed.
