Are audiophiles still out of their minds?

I've been in this hobby for 30 years and owned many gears throughout the years, but never that many cables.  I know cables can make a difference in sound quality of your system, but never dramatic like changing speakers, amplifiers, or even more importantly room treatment. Yes, I've evaluated many vaunted cables at dealers and at home over the years, but never heard dramatic effect that I would plunk $5000 for a cable. The most I've ever spent was $2700 for pair of speaker cables, and I kinda regret it to this day.  So when I see cable manufacturers charging 5 figures for their latest and "greatest" speaker cables, PC, and ICs, I have to ask myself who buys this stuff. Why would you buy a $10k+ cable, when there are so many great speakers, amplifiers, DACs for that kind of money, or room treatment that would have greater effect on your systems sound?  May be I'm getting ornery with age, like the water boy says in Adam Sandler's movie.
$100k cabling for a 7 figure system and room might be a good fit if well matched. As to the societal ethics of seven figure systems...though many would say the same for $2700 cables and Raidho, Quad, Carver, Bedini in one home...
Just a thought. How do cable manufacturers justify the price of their megabuck cables?  The material cost of nearly unobtanium radioisotope treatment of there cables? Their mega research facility cost? Labor cost? Cost of hiring a Haitian voodoo doctor? All of the above? Or just suckers who are willing to pay no matter how rediculous the price.
they don't have to justify and they probably sell very few $100k cabling systems
jl35, I'm repeating this for the 3rd time. I've already said $2700 was too much for speaker cables and regret the purchase.  Funny thing is no audiophile ever told me that was too expensive.  Sorry, I don't agree $100k cabling might be good fit for a 7 figure system, when I'm certain you can do just as well, if not better, with cabling costing a tiny fraction of that.