I am looking at theSVS subs does aanybody have experience with them?
Zardozmike, I used to have a pair of SVS SB12 (smallish, sealed 12"). They were a fantastic pair for music but I felt they did not fill out the lower octaves in my room (large, open floor plan with high ceilings), so I sold them for a pair of HSU ULS-15s. The ULS pair go deeper and with more weight, but are not as seamlessly integrated in my system as the SB12s. I've since switched out my main speakers ( to KEF 107s) and hardly have a need for subs any longer, but I kinda wish I held onto the SB12s. They were of solid build and sound quality. I don't know if one could say the same for their current budget lines (1000), which I haven't seen or heard in the flesh.
The SVS SB13 Ultra in single or dual configuration would be on my short list if I were to trade up again. Also, the Vandy subs if you have the budget for at least two (in a mid to large sized room) or one if your room is on the small side. They tend to be more of a low octave speaker than subwoofer.
What traits are you looking for and in what room size?