Thank you all again and again for your honesty and your sage advice.
Sorry for the lengthy response, but maybe this will help. First, I don't really see myself as an audiophile or view this adventure as a hobby. Believe it or not, I just want to buy a great 'stereo' so I can really engage with the music. My goal (and maybe this is true for all of you as well) is to get it right and live with it until I need to go to take it to next level — should that time arise. I don't know how to tweak. And in a way that is why I was a bit leary of tubes but willing to learn 'for the music'.
Now, you can judge me if you like, but for 15 years I was quite happy with my Mark Levinson amps and CD transport and B&W 802's speakers in my home. Then, I sold my home and needed to scale down. I heard the Wilson's and really liked them. I thought a good amp would be the next move. But, from some of the advice I am getting here, it sounds like 'starting over' from scratch is perhaps preferable.
But I have a full time job (as I am sure most of you do too). I am in the middle of writing a book and want to listen to music to inspire me. Create a kind of transcendental experience as it were. So, while going to hear various combinations of amps and speakers is exciting and makes a lot of sense, it is also very time consuming. And where would I go? Dealers where I live seem to specialize in certain amps with certain speakers. If I want to mix and match how does one do that? Also, I already have the Wilsons (as polarizing as they might be — obviously I see that some people LOVE them, and some people don't).
Therefore, to recap, so far I have heard:
1. JR, VAC, and ARC with Focal
2. PS Audio with Audio Physic
3. Hegel integrated with Wilson Benesch
4. Luxmann with Wilson Benesch
5. Air Tight with Harbeth
I eliminated #3 and #4 very quickly. Also, ARC didn't really match JR or VAC. And #5 was very very sweet for an introductory level set up. The two that have been most engaging to my ears so far are still the JR and VAC (but I think I should hear the 200 iq with self biasing).
However, I have not yet to hear any of the amps with the Wilsons. Who knows, maybe when I do I will be disappointed and see that they are a weak link? I could try to find dealers as products are suggested? THANKS — oh, and then there will be cables!!!!!
Sorry for the lengthy response, but maybe this will help. First, I don't really see myself as an audiophile or view this adventure as a hobby. Believe it or not, I just want to buy a great 'stereo' so I can really engage with the music. My goal (and maybe this is true for all of you as well) is to get it right and live with it until I need to go to take it to next level — should that time arise. I don't know how to tweak. And in a way that is why I was a bit leary of tubes but willing to learn 'for the music'.
Now, you can judge me if you like, but for 15 years I was quite happy with my Mark Levinson amps and CD transport and B&W 802's speakers in my home. Then, I sold my home and needed to scale down. I heard the Wilson's and really liked them. I thought a good amp would be the next move. But, from some of the advice I am getting here, it sounds like 'starting over' from scratch is perhaps preferable.
But I have a full time job (as I am sure most of you do too). I am in the middle of writing a book and want to listen to music to inspire me. Create a kind of transcendental experience as it were. So, while going to hear various combinations of amps and speakers is exciting and makes a lot of sense, it is also very time consuming. And where would I go? Dealers where I live seem to specialize in certain amps with certain speakers. If I want to mix and match how does one do that? Also, I already have the Wilsons (as polarizing as they might be — obviously I see that some people LOVE them, and some people don't).
Therefore, to recap, so far I have heard:
1. JR, VAC, and ARC with Focal
2. PS Audio with Audio Physic
3. Hegel integrated with Wilson Benesch
4. Luxmann with Wilson Benesch
5. Air Tight with Harbeth
I eliminated #3 and #4 very quickly. Also, ARC didn't really match JR or VAC. And #5 was very very sweet for an introductory level set up. The two that have been most engaging to my ears so far are still the JR and VAC (but I think I should hear the 200 iq with self biasing).
However, I have not yet to hear any of the amps with the Wilsons. Who knows, maybe when I do I will be disappointed and see that they are a weak link? I could try to find dealers as products are suggested? THANKS — oh, and then there will be cables!!!!!