Best current footers for preamps?

To isolate unit from any table/support vibration?
it all depends on the rest of your system.   I use Stillpoints, but even tomato cans make a difference.  Try everything 'till you find the magic for you.
I use an IKEA butcher block with Maple blocks to elevate my source and it made a nice audible difference for $15.
Symposium Acoustics " FAT PADZ ".

Get 3 for $189 and mount them under the pre-amp in accordance with the provided instructions. Unlike most footers FAT PADZadz also provides isolation  from the table or rack on which it is mounted.

Fat Padz by passes the Pre-amp's feet. The flat bottom of the Pre-amp rests on the flat top pf Fat Padz. It is not necessary to remove the preamp'sfeet.

It is available from the manufacturer or from the cable Company.

Freedom from vibration is an essential, but often underrated or neglected, element for realistic audio reproduction.

FAT PADZ is the way to go.